2.9 Instance operator:
a instance of B
| \
| \
| \
Object Reference Class Name or Interface Name
EX1: String s = “surya”
System.out.println(s intanceof String); ------------gives output as true.
Ex2: Thread t = new Thread();
System.out.println(t instanceof Thread);------------gives true
System.out.println(t instanceof Object);------------gives true
System.out.println(t instanceof Runnable);------------gives true
Ex3: Object o = new Object();
System.out.println(o instanceof String);-----------gives false
Note: The type of a and B must be related, otherwise compile time exception like
incompatible types.
The null instance of any thing, the result is always false.
2.10. Type cast operator:
Type casting: Implicit type casting and Explicit type casting
Implicit type casting | Explicit type casting
This is responsibility of compiler | This is responsibility of programmer
No loss of information | This result gives loss of information
Implicit type casting we can called | Explicit type casting we can called as Narrowing
as widening
From left to right is implicit type casting.
From right to left is explicit type casting.
int a = 10;
byte b = a; gives compile time exception like required: byte, found: int.
int a = 10;
byte b = (byte)a;
This is explicit type casting. i.e. we are converting int type to byte type.
2.11. Conditional operator:
int a = (Boolean condition)?value if true: value if false;
int a = (b>40)?30:20;
2.12. New operator:
This operator is used for creation of objects.
[ ] is used for declaring and creating arrays.
class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
public static int m(int i)
return i;
Output is: 9
1 + 3 * 4 / 5 + 6 = 1 + 12 / 5 + 6 = 1 + 2 + 6 = 9.
Before applying any operator all the operands must be evaluated from left to right and
then operators have to be applied based on the precedence.
2.13. Precedence of java operators:
Operators | Precedence |
postfix | expr++ expr-- |
unary | ++expr --expr +expr -expr ~ ! |
multiplicative | * / % |
additive | + - |
shift | << >> >>> |
relational | < > <= >= instanceof |
equality | == != |
bitwise AND | & |
bitwise exclusive OR | ^ |
bitwise inclusive OR | | |
logical AND | && |
logical OR | || |
ternary | ? : |
assignment | = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>= |
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